Our pets play a big part in our lives, so it’s no surprise that pet photography has really taken off. While a professional session will yield some beautiful, dramatic shots, you too can use your creativity to capture some striking photographs as well.

Or lack of. If you’re aiming for professional-looking images, you’ve first got to look at your surroundings. Are dirty dishes, a pile of shoes or a garbage can in the background? Is your pet sitting in a sandy or grassless patch of lawn? If the items in the background don’t serve a purpose, either remove them or move to a different location.

We all need some form of motivation. For pets, their favorite treat or toy will usually do the trick.
Repeatedly saying commands in a loud voice will quickly confuse your pet. You want them to feel as if they’re making the decisions, so say commands once and softly. And avoid over-saying their name: the more you say it, the less they hear it.
Along with using a calm voice, is using slow movements. If you quickly jump up or shift positions, your pet will likely do the same. If you’re moving, their coming with you! If you do need to move, don’t make eye contact – this lets the pet know you are not referring to them with your movements.