I’m excited to have teamed up with Tallahassee’s Smith Family Chiropractic for the creation of their new logo! When I create new marketing for my clients I take into consideration many, many factors that involve multiple steps.
First, I really get to know you as person and you as a business; what you’re offering and why it’s important. With the case of Smith Family Chiropractic, I became a client of theirs late 2014. At that time I was already a firm believer in the benefits of chiropractic care. But, as I attended more of their free workshops and spoke with Dr. Pat more about how important chiropractic care is (in his office and even on my own at home), I really began to understand exactly what made him stand-out in a crowd of other chiropractors.

Second, I get to know your customers. Where do they hang out? Who do they trust? What do they like? All the many demographics I take into consideration. Once I have that knowledge, I’m able to create marketing that is specifically targeted to your customers based on their psychological preferences, choices and pleasures. With Smith Family Chiropractic, they offer whole-health wellness practices that coincide with spinal adjustments. When most people think of chiropractors, they think of someone who’ll crack their neck or back in a way that’s almost frightening. We wanted to convey the opposite with their new logo: friendly, approachable, forward-thinking.
Here’s what Smith Family Chiropractic had to say about it:
“We are proud to announce the launch of a new company logo as part of the ongoing evolution of our company’s brand… We felt like now was the perfect time to evaluate our company’s brand and logo to ensure it was in sync with who we are and where we are going. After careful consideration, we chose a new logo that represents our dedication to Family and Wellness, but with a more modern look that captures the company’s future direction. Our new tagline “Realigning Health and Wellness” speaks to the fact that our office is different and unique. We want to change the way you think about your health and teach you how to make positive adjustments to your lifestyle so you can live life as vibrantly as possible!”
I couldn’t have said it better myself!