Custom Fort Wayne Indiana wedding signs are the perfect way to add that WOW factor to your wedding day. Especially when they’re bigger than life size, like Ayesha and Imran’s were!

Their 8 ft x 8ft wedding seating chart was displayed on a 10 ft by 10 ft gold display arch and decorated with white florals. It stood next to their 6ft tall wedding welcome sign, also hung on a gold display. And surrounded by gorgeous white pillar candles.
Given the massive size of the lobby at the Grand Wayne Center, and how large their reception was, it only made sense to GO BIG for their seating chart. Names were organized by first letter of the last name, followed by first, and then their table number. This is the easiest method for guests to quickly find their names. As opposed to organizing by table number.
Interested in your own custom wedding signs? Get in touch! I’d love to hear about your ideas and help make your vision a reality!