Direct Mail Postcard for Olson Financial

Direct Mail Postcard for Olson Financial

Doesn’t this just make you sigh for tropical beaches and a cocktail, preferably a Pina Colada? That was exactly the essence Olson Financial was after with their Retirement direct mail piece. They placed it in the mailboxes of local Tallahassee teachers as they returned to school after a nice long summer break. Talk about good timing right? They’re already wishing summer wasn’t over and here’s a gorgeous retirement beach spot, something we all dream about, sitting in their mailbox and urging them to start saving now so a beach retirement can be a reality!

Direct mail mood board

We wanted to keep in the same color scheme as their branding, so I pulled elements from their logo: the yellow gold, the deep royal blue. Those colors called attention to important info on the front (contact info) and the back (what Olson could do for the recipients). And of course, we made it personal with head shots I took of the Olson crew several months prior. It’s always nice to know what someone looks like before you start talking finances, am I right? It was such a fun project and the Olson’s are always a pleasure! And it got me thinking about my retirement beach – I better give them a call and start making it a reality!

Olson Direct Mail Postcard
