Everything you need to know about save the dates | Tallahassee Invitations

Congratulations! You just got engaged! What an exciting time in you life! Right after contacting your favorite engagement photographer and choosing a location for your engagement photos, you need to think about how you’ll use your engagement photos. What better way than with luxury Save the Dates announcing your wedding date and letting guests know to mark their calendars.

Everything you need to know about save the dates | Tallahassee Invitations

You might be wondering: do you have to send Save the Dates? If you’re having a short engagement (like less than three months) then no, sending them isn’t for you. However, sending them is a good idea if you’re wedding is more than six months away, if you’re planning a destination wedding that requires guests to travel or if you have wedding festivities planned for your wedding weekend (like open houses, brunches, dinners, or cocktail parties).

So now you need to figure out when to send them. Send too early and guests may forget you even sent Save the Dates. Send too late and your guests won’t have even time to do anything with them. A general rule of thumb is to send them six to eight months prior to your wedding.

Everything you need to know about save the dates | Tallahassee Invitations

Now that you know when to send them, next up is figuring out what info goes on a save the date. Save the dates are for informal information, so be sure to include your names, wedding date and location – even if you don’t have a venue picked yet, at least include the city and state. Also including your wedding website is an added bonus but not necessary. They should not include formal information just in case things change. Then you’ll have to call all your guests to notify them and that can get overwhelming very quickly! And including your registry on save the dates is a big no-no.

Everything you need to know about save the dates | Tallahassee Invitations

Save the Dates are a great opportunity to showcase your wedding style! I encourage brides to consider getting a design package that includes custom wedding invitations too. Not sure what type you want to send? This is a great opportunity for us to work together, play around with themes you may love but aren’t quite sure about, try colors and fonts and really get guests excited about your upcoming wedding! Once I’ve designed your Save the Dates, your custom wedding invitation stationery will be fun too! Invitation packages are a great way to save money too!

If you’d like samples or to inquire about invitation packages, contact me and I’ll create a custom suite exclusive for you!

And if you’re looking for an engagement photographer, check out my article all about engagement photo locations in Tallahassee.
