Tag Archives: lifestyle

Decorate with Family Photos

Winter is here. Well, officially it begins December 21st with the Winter Solstice but, with all this warm weather I’m having a hard time remembering it’s actually wintertime. You too? One of the things that I find myself doing most every winter, aside from eating too many Christmas sweets, is feeling the need to redecorate...

Loving homeless pets like my own + why you should volunteer

I recently decided that my life needed more pets in it. Not because my child, Bailee, isn’t filling my heart with lots of love. Quite the opposite. I have so much love for and from my seven year-old mix that I wanted to help more pets feel and know that love as well. I adopted...

Photo Gift Picks: 2014

Every year I strive to give gifts that are personal and heart-felt. I want the recipient to know that I really thought about them when I chose this gift. I know a lot us have trouble deciding what to get people who seemingly have everything though. It can make finding a thoughtful, yet useful gift...

Christmas cookies are great, but not cookie-cutter holiday cards

Sending out custom-made Christmas cards can seem like a time-consuming process. Because let’s face it, we’ve all seriously considered just finding a bargain box of cards at the huge retailer and slapping a stamp on them: happy holidays y’all. But that’s not very merry or jolly, is it? Thankfully, with Poppie Studios, customized cards can...

Fiesta like you mean it for less than $200

You don’t need to spend money like the rich and famous to host a party that will leave everyone impressed. I wouldn’t even consider $200 a “tight” budget quite frankly, but rather a respectable, common sense budget for anyone willing to do some DIY. First things first, get the word out. Instead of printing out...

Behind the Scenes: Melody & Jimmy

First and foremost, Congratulations to the new Mr. + Mrs.! There are a lot of pieces and parts that go into creating a specific atmosphere at an event. Here’s a Behind the Scenes look at just a few of the elements that went into making this wedding beautiful, magical and unforgettable! Last year, they chose...
