Film Photography

Film is not dead, and here’s why I shoot film.

  1. The Look. Film has a distinctive look, one that many digital photographers try to imitate through special effects in PhotoShop or LightRoom. Film photography is beautiful, grainy, and dare I say, yummy?
  2. Ease. The majority of my film photography images come straight out of the camera ready to view. That’s because, with film photography, you are forced to know your stuff (no spray and pray methods here!) and you’re forced to slow down and truly enjoy film photography.
  3. Skills. It takes skill to be a film photographer. Like I said in the previous point, film photography is too expensive ($1-2 per click!) to just snap a photo and hope your settings are good. You have to truly understand light, metering and aperture to capture the perfect photo.
  4. Highlights and Shadows. Film photography captures so much detail, without the need for adjusting in PhotoShop or LightRoom. Highlights and Shadows and equally exposed in film photography.
  5. Bokeh. That beautiful blurry background we all love so much? Thank film photography for that.
  6. Quality Difference. Those who shoot film photography, know what they’re doing. End of story.

Film Photography
