Category Archives: Misc

Fiesta like you mean it for less than $200

You don’t need to spend money like the rich and famous to host a party that will leave everyone impressed. I wouldn’t even consider $200 a “tight” budget quite frankly, but rather a respectable, common sense budget for anyone willing to do some DIY. First things first, get the word out. Instead of printing out...

Tips for An Awesome Senior Portrait Session

1.    The Photographer Sure your friend may have a good camera, but that doesn’t make them a good photographer. Your photographer truly needs to be an artist, someone with a vision, talent and enough creative experience to give you the photos you’re dreaming of.   2.     Outfits Choose outfits that reflect your unique personality! Be...

Tips For A Perfect Newborn Photo Shoot

It’s best to secure your photographer before baby arrives. If you wait until after, life gets hectic very quickly and you’ll most likely forget to schedule your appointment within that precious 14-day window.   Babies are sleepy and content during their first two weeks of life. After 14 days, babies become more alert and aware...

Film Camera and Photography

There are many reasons I choose to shoot using a film camera for my photography. 40 years ago the first digital camera was invented, and it was an awesome .01 megapixel – woo! But in those quick 40 years, digital has quickly overpowered film cameras and photography. If you think film camera and photography is...

Film Photography

Film is not dead, and here’s why I shoot film. The Look. Film has a distinctive look, one that many digital photographers try to imitate through special effects in PhotoShop or LightRoom. Film photography is beautiful, grainy, and dare I say, yummy? Ease. The majority of my film photography images come straight out of the...
