Category Archives: Misc

35mm Photography

I use 35mm film photography for my weddings and portraits. It wasn’t so long ago that 35mm film was the most commonly used type of media for photography. How quickly things change though. Now, when folks learn that I shoot only 35mm film, not digital, they are astonished. They claim they are too scared or...

Decorate with Family Photos

Winter is here. Well, officially it begins December 21st with the Winter Solstice but, with all this warm weather I’m having a hard time remembering it’s actually wintertime. You too? One of the things that I find myself doing most every winter, aside from eating too many Christmas sweets, is feeling the need to redecorate...

Vintage Style Photography

With the resurgence of vintage elements, I love shooting film photography more than ever! Blush wedding gowns, rose gold, art deco inspired wedding rings, bowties and lace. These gorgeous wedding details are absolutely stunning when captured on film. Vintage style photography is experiencing its comeback as well. And that’s why I encourage you to choose...

Loving homeless pets like my own + why you should volunteer

I recently decided that my life needed more pets in it. Not because my child, Bailee, isn’t filling my heart with lots of love. Quite the opposite. I have so much love for and from my seven year-old mix that I wanted to help more pets feel and know that love as well. I adopted...

Photo Gift Picks: 2014

Every year I strive to give gifts that are personal and heart-felt. I want the recipient to know that I really thought about them when I chose this gift. I know a lot us have trouble deciding what to get people who seemingly have everything though. It can make finding a thoughtful, yet useful gift...

Christmas cookies are great, but not cookie-cutter holiday cards

Sending out custom-made Christmas cards can seem like a time-consuming process. Because let’s face it, we’ve all seriously considered just finding a bargain box of cards at the huge retailer and slapping a stamp on them: happy holidays y’all. But that’s not very merry or jolly, is it? Thankfully, with Poppie Studios, customized cards can...


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