Category Archives: Portfolio

Moon + Stars Stationery | Tallahassee Graphic Designer

Whenever I get the opportunity to design something for fellow creatives I get super excited! Like this Moon + Stars styled shoot, coordinated by Leanna of Cake Me With You for example. I got to work with new friendors (friend vendors) on this beautiful celestial event. The stationery, designed by yours truly, played off the...

Wedding Invitation Suite for Malee + Becker

Some of my most absolute favorite designs and illustrations to work on are for invitation suites. Especially for weddings! And Malee + Becker’s vintage floral wedding suite turned out gorgeous! With the wedding in Maclay Gardens, the Maid of Honor in gold sequins and the boys in sharp navy suits, I knew I had to...

Logo Redesign for Smith Family Chiropractic

I’m excited to have teamed up with Tallahassee’s Smith Family Chiropractic for the creation of their new logo! When I create new marketing for my clients I take into consideration many, many factors that involve multiple steps. First, I really get to know you as person and you as a business; what you’re offering and...

Direct Mail Postcard for Olson Financial

Doesn’t this just make you sigh for tropical beaches and a cocktail, preferably a Pina Colada? That was exactly the essence Olson Financial was after with their Retirement direct mail piece. They placed it in the mailboxes of local Tallahassee teachers as they returned to school after a nice long summer break. Talk about good...

Event Promotion for Wellness Week

GTO Access Systems is a local Tallahassee business. It’s growing very quickly which means more employees and that means more opportunities for their Wellness Committee to have fun events for their employees. I was asked to create an event that catered to a majority of their workers, was points/rewards based and would last for approximately...
